Culture in southern Bohemia, or where to go for the culture in South Bohemia?Follow the events on the South calendar of events, you will find the current range of culture and entertainment in South Bohemia. We present cultural centers, theaters, meeting facilities, music clubs, discos and other promoters of cultural events. We believe that our tips for leisure time, which we present through our Facebook / jihoceskykalendar help with an idea where to go in South Bohemia (Česk&eac
Invitation to the trip - a unique attraction that will surely liven up a vacation stay in South Bohemia.
Let's go to the eastern tip of South Bohemia Jindřichohradecko on the adventure ride more than one hundred year old historic old train with the gauge of only 760 mm.
This is the last narrow-gauge railway in the country.
Jindřichohradecké Trains - technical monument
Trains still used for its original purpose, ie daily passenger and freight transport. However, there are significant techn
Šumava offers all návštěvíkům memorable setting for relaxation, sports and knowledge. There are numerous natural monuments, hiking trails, bike paths and bike trails, ski trails and facilities, water lines and the like.
Forest (German Böhmerwald) is a large mountain range on the border Czech, Austrian and German Bavaria.Mountains of the main European watershed between the North and the Black Sea. South side of the mountain is much steeper than the northern Czech.
How to get to South Bohemia
When travelling South Bohemia, you can choose the type of transport that suits you the best:
Train and bus
You can get to South Bohemia in comfortable international railroad connection and periodical bus lines from Prague’s airport Ruzyně or main rail/bus station Praha (Hlavní nádraží Praha).
You can get to South Bohemia easily using the D1 highway, direction to Brno, then Tábor and České Budějovice.
Trautenberk řádil v Českých Budějovicích!
Středy před K2 se opět dostávají do plných obrátek a tak se Budějčáci mohou těšit na každotýdenní veselí před klubem až do září. Není toho málo a vybere si každý v rámci stylů. Středa dvanáctého padla na ojedinělou bigbítovou kometu jménem Trautenberk, která si razí cestu na