In Loco Budweiser Budvar BeerhouseRestaurant In Loco (meaning "The right place") Clarion Congress Hotel in Czech Budejovice brings guests a new, modern interiors and great dining experiences. The concept is based on the idea of meeting the "big" world (and knowledgeable people in the world), the world stubborn and somewhat quirky South Bohemian temperament and culture. The link between the two worlds is a brand Budweiser Budvar, which knows both worlds and both managed to push through. T
Minipivovar Kněžínek se chlubí svým prvenstvím v Českých Budějovicích. Je totiž úplně prvním malým pivovarem, který vznikl v Českých Budějovicích. Všechny vyráběné druhy piv můžete ochutnat v restauraci, či zakoupit s sebou. V současné době je využíváno zejména spodního kvašení piva. Při produkci pšeničn&ia
They are renowned restaurant in Krajinská.Meat was previously sold to square Ottokar II. in wooden constructions, but Karel IV. ordered for reasons of hygiene move to sell the building - Meat Market. Here is the sale of meat were made until1899. Once established restaurant.Budweiser Budvar beer hall runs, spins are lager,
In the Czech Budejovice beer has been brewed for more than 700 years. Thanks to the work of many generations of South Bohemia beer brewers is today produced in this city the most famous Czech products in the world. His fame spread around the world today, especially Budweiser Budvar . Its flagship product - Lager Budweiser Budvar - is currently exported to 60 countries and accounts for roughly one-fifth of all exports beer from the Czech Republic.
Budweiser Budvar is one of the most interesting t
" Our hop has the divine power , warms us all to a joyful part " This sign stands in front of one of the oldest breweries in the world. Few brewery in Central Europe can boast such a tradition as Trebon brewery , which was founded in 1379. The oldest brewing facility are already owned in 1367 by the Augustinian religious canon . In the archival records of the year reminds pan in the castle , where she cooked nobility beer for personal use and rented it
Svachova Lhotka 1, 382 32 Mirkovice
Objednávky sudů, prohlídky pivovaru - 607 544 383
Pivovar Glokner se nachází ve Svachově Lhotce nebo známější Svachovce a to 5 km z Českého Krumlova směr Kaplice. Pivovar je součástí resortu s hotelem, lázněmi, pivovarem, destilérií a golfovým hřištěm.
Řemeslná, nefiltrovaná
Kvalita jídla závisí nejen na kvalitě ingrediencí, ale i na osobním přístupu kuchaře.Šéfkuchař Petr Šmídek.
Minipivovar Krajinská 27 nabízí možnost ochutnat 5 různých piv z vlastního pivovaru.
Pro firmy
Nabídku pro firmy vytvoříme na míru dle požadavků – právě připravujeme nový ceník, který bude přeh
Pubs Budvar Stylish pub Budvar in the area of Budweiser Budvar offers a complete range of beers produced by the brewery and a large variety of traditional Czech and international cuisine.
If you decide to organize a corporate party or family celebration or just sitting with friends in Budvar Beerhouse, you will always feel comfortable. Beer is Budvar capacity of 96 seats. There is also a lounge you Budvar restaurant with 20 seats.
The restaurant located on the ground floor of an administrat