Hořice na Šumavě www.horicenasumave.cz
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA (10. 7. 2018)
Rock a horský folk… Jedineční polští Turnioki zahrají v Hořicích na Šumavě
Polští Čechomor… Tak se občas mluví o kapele Turnioki, která v sobotu 21. července zahraje v Hořicích na Šumavě. Jaké
Protected Landscape Area is located in South Bohemia, on the border with Austria and parts of the District of Czech Budejovice and a total area of 700 km2 in the flat and the flat landscape. Because cycling is a wonderful location and therefore offers many cycle routes. Trebon landscape is riddled with unique network of lakes and their cultural history and natural wealth is one of the most beautiful areas of southern Bohemia and the entire Czech Republic, and it is also included in the ne
Invitation to the trip - a unique attraction that will surely liven up a vacation stay in South Bohemia.
Let's go to the eastern tip of South Bohemia Jindřichohradecko on the adventure ride more than one hundred year old historic old train with the gauge of only 760 mm.
This is the last narrow-gauge railway in the country.
Jindřichohradecké Trains - technical monument
Trains still used for its original purpose, ie daily passenger and freight transport. However, there are significant techn