Lego herna
Co všechno se dá z lega postavit? No přeci úplně všechno! O letních prázdninách můžete navštívit naší lego hernu a ukázat, co ve vás je! Těšit se můžete na milion kostiček na hraní, lego bazén, hry a spoustu zábavy.
Přijďte k nám rozvíjet kreativu, nebo zabavit děti před nepřízni počasí. Otevřeno bude denně, do rá
Přijdťe si zalyžovat na profesionálním simulátoru Maxxtracks - unikátní technologii pohyblivého pásu s nastavitelnou rychlostí a úhlem sklonu.
Jste úplný začátečník? Nevadí! Simulátor Maxxtracks se vám zcela přizpůsobí a nebudete mít problém naučit se lyžovat za kratší dobu než na skutečné sjezdovce. Obtížnost a podmínky Vá
Navštivte první muzeum svého druhu v České republice. Narozdíl od běžných muzeí, u nás nenarazíte na zákaz dotýkání se vystavených exponátů - u nás se Vy sami stanete součástí vystavených obrazů. Všechny naše obrazy jsou vytvořeny pomocí 3D efektu, který Vás v mžiku přenese na místa, či do situací, kter
VILLAGE GOLDEN CROWNHistory:Cistercian monastery "Holy crown of thorns" (Sancta Spinea corona) was founded in 1263 Ottokar II. to strengthen the royal power in the South Čech.Díky numerous endowment and colonization efforts of the monks of the monastery grew with farms during the 14th century. to enormous proportions and to intervene as a golden path to Volarsko. The monastery was one of the largest holders of feudal land and abundant revenue from dozens of farmsteads and villages allowed
History of the townHeyday of this picturesque town is connected with the government of the Lords of Rosenberg (1302 - 1602), who from Cesky Krumlov to their residence there. Krumlov lay at the crossroads between the Czech, Austrian, Bavarian and northern Italy. This is reflected in the face of the city and its castle imprinted unique form of the Italian Renaissance. At the end of the 17 century, during the reign of the Eggenberg family, including the baroque theater built and rebuilt the castle
The organisation of exhibitions in South Bohemia has a long tradition that goes back to the middle of last century. As early as 1848, anniversary markets took place in České Budějovice four times a year. The current activities of the joint-stock company continue in this tradition with, since 1960, the organisation of regional agricultural exhibitions. Since 1972, the exhibition named "National agricultural exhibition Země živitelka České Budějovice" has taken place. In
Aleš South Bohemian Gallery is the only art museum in the South region, which is one of the five largest institutions of its kind in the Czech Republic. Launched first January 1953 and the title was named the South Bohemian native painter Mikolas Ales ( 1852-1913 ) .
Its headquarters is in April 1956 by former neo riding stables Hluboká Castle (built 1845-1847 by Viennese architect Franz Beer, Budweiser adapted 1953-1955 architect Jaroslav Fidra ) . In 1967 set up branch- AJG ceram
The complex Frymburk Wellness Hotel is a spacious water park for children and adults situated on an area of approximately 1500 m2.Our Water World offers fun and relaxation for guests of all ages and with various water attractions that are in daily use.indoor swimming pool 468 m2 2 lanes for swimming in the length of 25 m &n