Lego herna
Co všechno se dá z lega postavit? No přeci úplně všechno! O letních prázdninách můžete navštívit naší lego hernu a ukázat, co ve vás je! Těšit se můžete na milion kostiček na hraní, lego bazén, hry a spoustu zábavy.
Přijďte k nám rozvíjet kreativu, nebo zabavit děti před nepřízni počasí. Otevřeno bude denně, do rá
Letní parket Holkov
- Největší OPEN AIR letní parket na jihu Čech
- Krytý přírodní parket ze 70% zastřešený
- Kapacita parketu cca 2000 osob
- 800 míst k sezení pod zastřešenou částí
- &n
Za kulturou do Nových Hradů
Vážení návštěvníci internetových stránek Kulturního a informačního centra Nové Hrady. Díky tomu, že jste nás našli, dozvíte se, co je u nás pěkného a co se v našem krásném městě dělo, děje a bude dít. Nové Hrady bylo dříve městem pohraničním, pak příhraničním a dnes je městem bez
CineStar multiplex network in the Czech Republic was established in 2001. His twelve multiplex cinemas are among the largest in the Czech Republic - Hradec Králové, Olomouc, Ostrava, Jihlava, Czech Budejovice, Plzen, Liberec, Mlada Boleslav and Pardubice, Prague - Angel and Prague - Cerny Most.
Multiplexes are equipped with the latest projection technology, with superior sound Dolby Digital and Dolby Surround EX.
3D technology From 02.07 2009, viewers can watch movies through the
On your inquisitive happy to answer questions and if you want you can also try out how to work with a whistle.In addition, of course, there can be seen as making the usual assortment of glasses, vases, paperweights and various decorative objects. In our small gallery you can purchase Everything posted here.glassworksWe welcome everyone!Book groups at: booking.glassworks @ tours take place daily from 9.00 to 16.00 pm (April to September).Prices hour tour:Bus 25 to 40 persons - 15
SQUARE Ottokar II. one of the most beautiful squares in the Czech Republic and is a superbexample of medieval urbanism. It has a square shape with dimensions of 133 x 133 m.Around the perimeter of the square is 48 historic homes, most important of which is the town hall.In the middle of the square is the Baroque Samson fountain from the 18th century statue of Samson fighti
Metropol is a multipurpose complex of buildings of the venues and accommodation facilities suitable for conferences, symposia, exhibitions contracting and smaller meetings or chamber events. Experience with the organization of meetings and professional approach of our staff guarantee the success of your event.
Ensuring social and presentations on keyContact: Ing. Peter Mazer,, tel: 386106112Metropol al. with r.o. preparing a series of creative events (accumulation of o
Cultural activities in Trhových sow them covered with the Municipal Cultural Centre, established by the city. The Centre runs from 1993 František Herbst. In addition to theater, which translates into an average of four times a week to trhosvinenského cultural center, visitors can come and see every month for the theater, in foyaeru&
South Bohemian Theatre is professional four ensemble theatre based in Ceske Budejovice since 1919. (Opera, ballet, drama, puppet show). Theatre uses three stages: Main building on the rive bank Malse (drama, small operas), Cultural house Metropol (opera, ballet), Small Theatre in Hradebni street (puppet show, studio-drama).South Bohemian Theatre is famous (since 1958) for its open air Revolving Theatre, based in the chateau gardens in the historical town of Cesky Krumlov.The foreign visitors are