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Obec Úsilné

Obec Úsilné


+420 387 225 017

Úsilné village with 330 inhabitants is located 6 km from the center of Czech Budejovice at an altitude of 399 m above sea level In 1925, bore the name of the municipality or Oselno Voselno , which probably originated by breeding of draft animals for the nearby mines .

The first mention of the village dates from 1333, when King John of Luxembourg gave the hospital of St . Vaclav Budejovice in seven fields in the village Hoslové ( earnestly ) .


During the reign of Emperor Rudolf II . was among Úsilným and the nearby St. Hooray based mine . Elias , which was mined in 1600 silver penny annually . The mine water constantly grew , which was downloaded from Vesecká and Libničské gallery. Problems with drainage should solve Eliášova century, whose construction was begun on the 20th July 1574 in the direction of Úsilného and lasted intermittently for about 200 years. When finished work could contribute to draining down , mining has been on the decline. Adit results in Úsilné the garden house number 68 at the foot of the southwestern slope at an altitude of 400 m above sea level In the mid-20th century supplied the city profusely Czech Budejovice quality drinking water. At present, the municipal leadership is considering making the tunnels below the village public.

Another important local landmark neo-Gothic chapel. Wenceslas from 1900, which was renovated in 2001 and decorated with 14 paintings ( 50x45 cm , mounted on wood) with the Stations of the Cross by ak. artist Renata Grooms . There are elements of folk baroque vision , are especially interesting gables with large volutes ( spirals ) . Most notable is the farm No. 1 " U Sukdol ," said scrolls with the largest in the region and No. 9 " U Proksi " .


Relations municipalities in the region " Budweis north " ( Deep nad Vltavou , Borek , Hrdějovice , Úsilné , Hosín , Chotýčany , Hůry ) , which was established in 2001 , mainly for joint promotion of tourism , actually follow the historical ties , the part of the estate , later registry and administrative leadership of the community was located in Hluboka.


Since 2001 , the municipality consent of parliament with the use of municipal banners and signs that were created and . arch Storm and Fr. Mares inspired by rumors about the breed donkeys in the village.


In 1965 was built in 2000 and repaired pond, which now has a significant landscape value due to its natural modeling of banks and associated vegetation is irreplaceable and flood control function , as demonstrated in recent years .


Soccer and football field together with area for tennis courts paves the sports complex . To meet local citizens and tourists used furniture "Under the chestnuts ," which follows the operation of the local inn . Through the village trail connecting trip Deep nad Vltavou and Trebon and paths for pedestrians and cyclists, leading to around Ceske Budejovice towards Libnič and complex Mojského forest. In winter , this area is also suitable for cross-country skiing.


Location of the village in the middle of tourist area offers space for business development in tourism , accommodation and catering facilities .


Despite the extensive modernization of the village is the emphasis on the conservation and restoration of the original architecture still being followed old customs and traditions , which include raising the May Pole , Easter carols and last but not least The renewed tradition with vatováclavské pilgrimage , which is associated with the meeting of natives and friends of the village . For more than 30 years held an annual three-day Children's day of joy .


Basic data on the village


Úsilné village is located about 6 km from the district town of Czech Budejovice and lies on the road connecting the city Hluboká and pressed in an altitude of 399 meters above sea level . Area cadastral municipality is currently 307 ha . The close location of the village in the town is responsible for a strong residential character of the village.


At present municipality has 330 inhabitants of which 175 working age . The oldest inhabitants of the village is 101 years old (in 2003 ), the average age is 39.7 years . Most labor active population commute to jobs in Czech Budejovice.


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