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The small village Holašovice lies in charming countryside of South Bohemia in the Czech Budejovice near Sumava foothills south-eastern slopes downward to the forest Blanský Českobudějovické pond basin. Geographically this mountain belongs to the Czech highlands, completing part relief Czech Republic, which is part of an extensive western platform resulting in prahorách Hercynian orogeny, unlike the young Tertiary Carpathian Mountains to its peripherally extending to the foothills east of Moravia on our territory.

If we want to characterize the current picture, the historical value and authenticity Holašovice, you need to take a shorter excursion explaining the historical context of their creation, architectural and urban development and to recall the most important external influences in the process of shaping the form and structure of the building of settlements. At the outset it is necessary to state that today the Czech Republic has been since prehistoric times due to its location specific territory where various ethnic groups and cultures not only turns and passed, but usually also clashed, influenced and mixed. Evident in this day and convincing proof of this fact is also a village architecture, preserving residual manifestations in their ancient, often even more ancient building traditions. If we imagine the map of Europe on the distribution of basic building techniques (timber, frame, clay, stone, brick), usually covering the areas with major European cultures, we find that their boundaries intersect or at least partially extend territory of Bohemia and Moravia and create overlays here Liaison and bands.

The southern part of Bohemia, including the area around Holašovice was sparsely inhabited since Neolithic times. With the arrival of the Slavs in the 6th century the local population gradually widened, due to the very good conditions for agricultural use (relatively high altitude mostly above 400 m asl, vast marshes and wetlands) remains the territory after the formation and stabilization of the state until the 12th century deep coherently border forests inhabited only by prominent trade routes and several administrative centers. It was not until the 13th century and 14 brings its economic reforms, intensified founding of cities, monasteries and činností foundation pass off a massive wave of mainly medieval inner and outer later, the German colonization radical changes also reflected the gradual filling and culture of South Bohemia space. Has undergone a significant transformation Bohemian countryside yet in the late 15th and especially in the 16th century in connection with the business activities of a distinguished noble pond Rosenbergs.

The fruit of the medieval inner colonization of marginal and less fertile areas of Bohemia is also Holašovice settlement, which was probably during the 1st 13th century, although the first mention of it appears only in 1292 in a charter of King Wenceslas II., which Holašovice along with several other villages donated to the Cistercian monastery in Vyšší Brod, whose assets remain until 1848. This is a typical colony formation based on the regular plan, with depth-oriented estates facing gable facade into an extremely large village whose dimensions 210X70 square meters surpasses many medieval towns.

To answer the questions of the degree of authenticity settlement Holašovice will file for accuracy and clarity appropriate to separate description of the genesis of urban structures and settlements including its own architecture art decorations.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the layout scheme and allotment of houses a unique and generous almost pure example of medieval location of the Czech internal colonization waves early 13th century, which happens to favorable circumstances later escaped interference degrading the original schema distinctive characteristic historical center. Residential village development, as can be seen in archival sources, shows unprecedented stability - number of 17 settlements here since the establishment remains practically to this day. The increase in house numbers in 18th and early 20th century is due to pre-existing numbering mangers and construction of several smallish municipal houses that were later destroyed. The village was spared for many villages and characteristic thickening village areas, vacant lots and other open areas clusters of small homesteads socially disadvantaged people in the demographic boom of the late 18th to the early 20th century. Some buildings expansion occurs only in the 20th century, but the few buildings or houses and agricultural area are fortunately situated on the northeastern and southern edge of the village, outside the compact medieval department. A large square area recorded only slight and can say positive changes - in the 19th century it was rebuilt in its present form older smithy, on the north side, 1755 was a baroque chapel. John of Nepomuk and before 1935, a stone cross. All these buildings here have a building of historical perspective justified his place and clearly belongs to the inventory and atmosphere of classic Bohemian village. The whole square is surrounded on all sides by four queues regularly rectangular gabled facade oriented farms, which reveals a coherent organization and preparation for the establishment of a predetermined number of settlers. Also lots of holdings range from the Middle Ages did not change their development took place on this land consistently defined. This is a typical characteristic disposition model with rational layout features subordinates agricultural traffic along three sides of the parcel. Also, this form of triangular Court, consisting of residential building with the adjacent stables, granary located parallel to and behind closed transversely raised a barn, stayed with the predominant number of homesteads holašovických basically maintained, of course, along with other economic structures arising in connection with the expansion and modernization of agricultural production. For continuous wall barns continue belts gardens and orchards finished stone walls. Original field areas Plužine building on the parcel estates due to our post-war collectivization of agriculture almost preserved. In addition, part of the land was and still is used as pasture, because a relatively high altitude approaching 500 m asl and climatic conditions create conditions for livestock. It is therefore necessary to repeat that Holašovice are from the urban point of view is rarely authentically preserved and extremely valuable in total, documenting a mediaeval village headquarters colonization of Central Europe.

The architectural image of Holašovice is somewhat varied form and construction of houses is the result of a complex of continuous development. From the maps the stable land from 1827 can be seen that all the settlements in the village, in addition to wooden barns were even then of stone masonry. This is not a manifestation of the recent sudden transformation, but it is a result of historically distinct and construction of residential developments throughout the area of the affected southern Bohemia from the different cultures and traditions, where since the Middle Ages predominate in rural surrounding brick buildings, whereas in most other regions dominated until the early 19th century timbered area. Holašovice thus always been and still is a walled village. Also, the basic three-part outline residential house in order sitting room - Hall - House or barn has its origins in the Middle Ages. Although the successive renovations and interior modifications occur to divide rooms and the creation of new residential and warehouse space is the old original layout and design scheme still maintained for up to 20 century. An analogous approach, thus respecting the original traditional, conservative village environment received historical building technologies or similarly motivated and tenaciously maintained momentum in the use of deep-rooted practices and materials can be easily traced in the architectural expression, composition, proportions or decorative forms, a few new buildings holašovických the 19th and early 20 century (but of course older). From the typological and formal point of view, these buildings fully authentic.

Economic boom of the 19th Czech village century caused economic and political reforms and other initiatives heralded an unprecedented construction boom and rebuilding still largely rural timbered houses. In nearly completely brick Holašovice this building wave reflected somewhat later, around the years 1840-1885 has rebuilt wooden barns, stables need to expand with new beautifully vaulted spaces and generally felt need representation and bohatnoucího emancipujícího the peasant state. It is this latter impulse was the decisive impulse process that affected most of South Bohemian village settlements (but not only them) and resulted in the creation of a unique phenomenon of so-called rustic Baroque, who does not totally unique. At his birth still extremely talented local zedničtí masters instruction and learning theory and practice of urban and aristocratic architecture, who took over the creative means of expression způsobem stylistic vocabulary from Renaissance to Classicism and enriched by folk ornamentation is a unique way apply in decorative art and decoration treatise gabled facade , gateways, and other visually exposed parts of buildings. The result of these changes was a completely new unique architectural image of the majority of South Bohemian countryside and rural settlements, imprinting them extra captivating charm and atmosphere. Holašovice are the most representative and best preserved example of this remarkably advanced traditional folk construction work and documenting their current form, without disturbing moments appearance typical South Bohemian village from the time of the mid-19th century with a strong genius loci.

The purpose of this document is not to be structural evaluation of historic homesteads Holašovice, but let's try to express percentage terms at least approximate age and historical value of the building stock of the protected historic core of the village. The oldest objects are two late medieval granaries, but can not be excluded or other future interesting findings. Some 40% of buildings may be added before the year 1827, similarly 40% in the years 1828-1871, 15% originated in the years 1871-1820, and the rest 5% is of modern origin. Most of the construction impacts of the 5% is concentrated in the last thirty years. Follow the necessary modernization of buildings and there is no case in which the liquidation of the historical nature of objects. An exception is the house No. 35, located on the outskirts of the village, fortunately. Preservation and authenticity of the environment Holašovice conclusively proves almost 90% of historically valuable objects detected and evaluated historic building survey.

The vast majority of the village houses are used for permanent housing, only two are used for recreation. Former inn still serves its purpose in dwelling blacksmith shop is now located and the blacksmith firehouse. In one of the estates should be the prospect of an expected increase in tourism built smaller accommodation and catering capacity and Information Office. In terms of conservation is the use of this structure favorable. It is not intended to create and preserve depopulated area in which the dead will be reconstructed in the village of 19th age. This is determined by a special museum. Goal towards which effort heritage institutions, state administration and local self-government, whose cooperation is very good, maintaining a normal Holašovice lively village with a predominance of the occupied houses. Therefore, for example, the protected side of the historic core selected after careful consideration of the land for new construction, in order to maintain continuity of settlement. Continuously are also dealt with in conjunction with the requests of citizens alterations interior settlements relating to the establishment and adaptation of bathrooms, kitchens and living space expansion that would meet the needs of modern living while remaining in compliance with the requirements of conservationists. Prerequisite for preventive care is holding meetings with citizens Holašovice, where they receive basic information about their rights and obligations under conservation legislation, the possibilities of obtaining state subsidies for the maintenance and restoration of monuments, issues relating to construction activities in the protected historic areas, etc. Of course, is free of charge provided ongoing technical assistance, advisory services and consulting to solve a variety of problems. Evidence of a positive relationship of citizens to their community Holašovice recent is not only better and more consistent care for the technical condition of their homes, but also active participation in the highly successful and numerically visited peasant festivities in July this year, accompanied by a rich and high-quality cultural program and a large Fair with a variety of folk and artistic producers and sellers in the village. Undoubtedly, it is one of the ways to meaningfully exploit and popularize this unique location.

The purpose is to preserve Holašovice protection of their cultural value for future generations as an example of extinct life, craft skills and fine sentiment of our ancestors live within the residential unit. Applicable laws generate sufficient tools to achieve these tasks. 


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