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Infocentrum JE Temelín - Vysoký Hrádek

Infocentrum JE Temelín - Vysoký Hrádek


381 102 639

In the immediate vicinity of nuclear power plant, at a distance of 24 km north of the Czech Budejovice, 5 km south of Tyn nad Vltavou, the road No. 105, a Renaissance mansion High Castle. In its rooms you see nothing of what is usually found in castles, and yet became a tourist destination of South Bohemia. It is located here is the information center of the Temelin plant.

For those interested in the free tour and individual visitors information center is open every day (including Saturdays and Sundays) from 9.00 to 16.00 pm in July and August from 9.00 am to 17.30 pm Our individual offer visitors a tour of exhibitions with interactive models. Program in the cinema (3D movie, cloud chamber) is accessible only if you're not proceeding tour groups booked in advance. If you want to be sure that the cinema will be on that day and hour of free, please contact us. Usually the start time in the cinema are: 9.30 h, 11.00 h, 12.30 h, 14.00 h in July and August additionally at 15:30 h).

The excursion to the information center we invite anyone who is interested in the Temelin power plant and its operation to learn something. The most frequent visitors to the school for which the tour is also suitable as a possible complement and diversify the curriculum of physics or chemistry. Each discussion is prepared to match the age level and interest of specific groups. We therefore recommend a visit since the first grade of primary school. Applicants for the excursion (a group of min. Of 5 and max 50) must be pre-ordered the phone number 381 102 639 or e-mail: @ infocentrum.ete

For middle and high schools, technical and public companies are preparing professionally, of course, focused excursions that may be, if conditions allow, coupled with his own visit to the plant site (for more information call: 381 102 639, e-mail: infocentrum.ete @

Warning: Personnel information center for excursions in the Information Center assume no responsibility for the behavior of visitors. Thank you for understanding.

Access to the Information Center and Power Plant tours are free for all visitors.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail, fax or phone. 

Do you know how to drive a nuclear reactor? What is yellow cake or what can be seen in the cloud chamber? Come and see us! The historical interiors, we offer attractive journey for electricity from the core.

The lodge is located loft equipped with modern cinema. Excursion to the information center we start the movie Journey to the Sun, what is hiding under the title, but that reveal in advance. When meeting with a guide through examples of computer animation and familiar with the function of nuclear power plants, with major facilities, and the basics of reactor physics and safety.

The program includes a screening of the film Realized utopia in which you look to the most interesting parts of plants, which are undoubtedly the storage of fresh fuel, reactor hall and engine production unit.

Engaging and exhibit a cloud chamber. Your own eyes will see how our surroundings in which we live, literally sprinkled with particles of natural ionizing radiation (for more information in Chapter cloud chamber).
And you still waiting?

On the first floor of the mansion is available to a large exposure. The north wing of the building, you know, as your own topic of nuclear energy connected with relatives and neighboring areas - the concept of energy, with its various options for obtaining the appropriate forms with the historical and physical context (Hall No. 1, 2). Greater attention is paid to the energy hidden in matter - nuclear energy, principles of its release (Hall No. 3) and eventually the entire fuel cycle (Hall 4).

The second part of the exhibition in the southern wing of the building is devoted to the Temelin power plant, its environment (Hall No. 5), functional layout, equipment and the most important topics related to the operation of the plant (Hall 6).

The space models you can see the building plan, which is the deployment of operational buildings at the plant site, the main production block, which cross section shows the most important equipment, nuclear reactor, which forms the main part of the primary circuit and nuclear fuel, which breaks down the reactor.

In addition, you can test your knowledge in a fun quiz, learn about the plants selected rooms in the virtual walk on the PC (more details in Chapter Virtual Tour plants) or try to operate the production unit on a computer simulator (for more information in Chapter nuclear reactor on your PC ...).

All visitors will be accompanied by exposure to trained personnel. At the end of the tour will offer you information and brochures printed (Hall No. 7).

Our offer and the accompanying exhibition of artists and photographers.
For more details, see chapter shows the information center.

To rest and relax, we offer the opportunity to visit the park in which the High Castle located manor. Landscaped park of 1 third of the 19th century system of ponds is open daily from 1 April to 31 October.

Opening hours


Monday 09:00-16:00    
Tuesday 09:00-16:00    
Wednesday 09:00-16:00    
Thursday 09:00-16:00    
Friday 09:00-16:00    
Saturday 09:00-16:00    
Sunday 09:00-16:00    


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