MUZEJNÍ ADVENT NA OHRADĚ0808.12.2024, 14:00 |
Muzejní advent na Ohradě
Zpříjemněte si advent vánočními tradicemi na zámku Ohrada. Zazpívejte si koledy, vytvořte něco pro radost a ozdobte s námi vánoční stromeček na nádvoří. Už tradičně se na společné setkání těšíme druhou adventní neděli 8. prosince 2024 odpoledne od 14 do 18 hodin v Muzeu lesnictví, myslivosti a rybářství na loveckém zámku Ohrada.
Hluboká zoo specializes in breeding animals nature in Europe and temperate Asia . However, visitors can admire the representative of South American flora and fauna in the tropical pavilion Matamata or smaller species African continent in small…
Alšova jihočeská galerie 143, 373 41The chateau of Hluboká was originally founded as a guarding castle in the mid 13th century by the Kings of Bohemia, and being royal property, it was frequently forfeited. Several aristocratic families took turns owning it. The important…
Masarykova 42, 373 41On your inquisitive happy to answer questions and if you want you can also try out how to work with a whistle.In addition, of course, there can be seen as making the usual assortment of glasses, vases, paperweights and various decorative objects. In our small…
Masarykova 602, 373 41* stylish restaurant * capacity for 65-80 guests * wooden interior with hunting motives * dominant open fireplace * lounge for 40 people in upper floor * traditional czech cousine, fish and venison specials (we offer classic menu, menu for groups, buffet) *…
City Hluboká nad Vltavou is a city of culture, sports, relaxation and gastronomic options, with facilities to cater for every visitor.Visitors Hluboka can enjoy the summer swimming pool with water slide, indoor pool with sauna, modern 3D cinema,…
Zborovská 80, 373 41Services provided InfocentreThe Information Centre is focused on providing information to incoming visitors and citizens Hluboka town and surrounding area.Information and incomingový service…
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