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Jih Noviny


Brewery Regent Třeboň


" Our hop has the divine power , warms us all to a joyful part "

    This sign stands in front of one of the oldest breweries in the world. Few brewery in Central Europe can boast such a tradition as Trebon brewery , which was founded in 1379. The oldest brewing facility are already owned in 1367 by the Augustinian religious canon . In the archival records of the year reminds pan in the castle , where she cooked nobility beer for personal use and rented it for a fee burghers. The former brewery equipment was very modest and primitive . In 1482 gives Vok of Rosenberg brewery to expand and build new cellar next to the castle . Rising beer consumption but production is not sufficient and therefore in 1522 made major conversion Castle Brewery. Another reconstruction was carried walnuts builder 1560. At the end of the 16th century, the Trebon brewery between 19 breweries in Rosenberg with a planned production capacity of 100 batches per year , for a total of about 1,896 hl .


    Třeboňské beer gradually gained in popularity , the old castle or chateau brewery capacity and thus did not meet the new brewery originated reconstruction and extension of the former Rosenberg armory in places between Svinenská and Novohradská gate, where it stands today. The construction began in 1706 and the brewery was completed by Italian architects 1712. Its present form gets brewery in the second half of the 19th century , when it was completely rebuilt in 1886-1887 exhibit at that time an unusual amount of 50,000 hl of beer. In 1888 received the Trebon brewery on show in Brussels diploma from the Belgian king for quality beer . Prior to 1914, production reaches over 100,000 hl of beer. After the first World War II, there is a decrease of production in half, as exports fell to Vienna. How to go

 Brewery 1900

years , developed into glory Trebon beer and abroad. Already at the beginning of the 20th century had today brewery Regent 's warehouses not only in Prague and Brno , but also in Vienna , Graz and Lviv. Rail shipments have been shipped to many countries, including the European part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy . Many more years , including the first and second World War II , however, did not wish to develop earlier .


    During the pre-Munich Republic of beer production fluctuates , the highest production recorded in 1929 , in good times and makes 65,000 hl . This is followed by a decline during the Munich betrayal is 43,000 hl . During the war years, production fell in early 1945 and was stopped completely. Production was restored by late 1945, when it again begins to brew beer , this time a four- still weak .


    Until the end of the war Brewery Schwarzenberg property. After a transitional period in the liberated republic when it was below the national administration, as the race moves to South Bohemian Brewery based in Czech Budejovice. Separate era of the short period from 1953 to June 1955 , when it was formed np Trebon Trebon races breweries , Tabor and Henry. Hradec . From 1 January 1989 , the brewery was part of the S. P. Breweries Czech Budejovice and after privatization in 1992 , the brewery as part of the South Bohemian breweries . In

 Smolen wooden barrels

1999, the shareholders decided to sell the Regent brewery . In August 2000 the brewery was sold to a joint stock company Bohemia Regent .


    Trade name Regent brewery is inspired by the historical figure of the knight pies from Jelčan (1533-1604) , which was initially Rosenberg officer and later regent large dominion of Wilhelm von Rosenberg , the uncrowned king of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Krčín was a great builder of monumental ponds and farm buildings and a leading economist of the Czech feudal estate at all. Build Regent pies is surrounded by a number of folk tales . According to one of them přijíždívá at midnight on a cart drawn by two cats strait between lakes Rosenberg and KAŇOVÁ that built for Mr. William , and severely laments , because apparently even after death, no rest. During his life allegedly treated subjects very hard and one of them him before his death curse . Another legend tells that part of the artificial canal Golden Canal through the forest hradecek over Trebon with him for the same reason oral devil . Krčín heavy chains was harnessed to a plow . When then , tossed under the blows of the devil's whip, a part of the chain lost , grew out of it for the time in that place huge oak tree . To this day, this place is called " The Dragon oak ." Despite all the rumors , the fact remains that Rosenberg regent Jakub Krčín of Jelčan became the inspiration for his work name Trebon brewery and beer produced by him , which also had to drink.

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