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„Pracuj na svém snu, abys nemusel pracovat na snu někoho jiného.“
Tak zní jeden moderní citát, který se hodí k osobě Petra Šmídka. Po té, co si řekl, že má nasbíráno dost vlastních zkušeností, otevřel svou vlastní restauraci a minipivovar a hned na to s n&
" Our hop has the divine power , warms us all to a joyful part "
This sign stands in front of one of the oldest breweries in the world. Few brewery in Central Europe can boast such a tradition as Trebon brewery , which was founded in 1379. The oldest brewing facility are already owned in 1367 by the Augustinian religious canon . In the archival records of the year reminds pan in the castle , where she cooked nobility beer for personal use and rented it for a fee bur